The first week of my senior year.
Its not exactly how I always pictured my senior year would be.
I figured Id just take a bunch of easy classes and shop classes.
But it hasn't turned out that way.
Now I'm stuck in college History, college Government and Chem II.
I'm practically a full time college student.
The History and Government I could do.
But this Chemistry is gunna put the hurt'in on me.
There are lots of things to look forward to though.
Such as Friday nights, basketball, baseball, and it being my last year of school.
My schedule is sorta wak.
There is a total of 7 people in my first 2 classes.
3rd period is pretty cool.
4th period I go to the media center and work on my online Government class.
5th period I go to the elementary and help coach Gaylor with p.e.
6th is the worst though, and its ART!
7th period is History...
Athletics is a day to day thing, one day I can't wait for it.
And the next day I'll dread it.
I can't see the future or anything.
But I'm starting to think senior year isn't going to be all its cracked up to be.