About Me

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Childress, Texas
My name is Brant Bowman and I'm a senior at Childress High School. I play football, basketball and baseball. I've got 2 little brothers, one in high school with me and the other in elementary. I've also got the greatest girlfriend I could ever hope for.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Maybe banning the costumes altogether was a little extreme, but the guy who wore the Hitler costume should have thought of the people he would be affending when he did. Maybe he and a few others thought it was funny but when you dress up as someone who killed millions of people you better get ready for some recoil. Dressing up like a killer from some movie is one thing; Hitler and the Holocaust actually happened and people still feel the effect of it today. I think that wearing the Hitler costume to a school with a large number of Jewish students was pretty stupid. If someone wore it to childress then it probably wouldn't be as big of a deal but if there were Jewish student then they would probably be pretty angry.

Ten Reasons why I like Halloween
2-Dressing up
3-haunted houses
4-scaring people
5-scaring movies
6-weather is getting cooler
8-thanksgiving is getting close. lol i like thanksgiving.
9-playoff season is closing in.